The spellbinding qualities of Opal Beads
Modern day gemstones can be classified into two types - Natural and artificial. Natural Gemstone beads are rare. They exist only where nature puts them and cannot be mass produced on demand. Furthermore, the beauty of a natural bead can never be compared with an artificial one.
Synthetic gems are created in labs. They are never rare and can never hold any significant value - more can always be made as needed. Moreover, the special feeling of owning a rare and natural gem far outweighs the benefits of imitations or cheap synthetic stones.
One of these precious stones is the Opal, the stone of inspiration and change. The name of this stone has been derived from a Greek derivative “Opallios”, which means “to see a change of color”. Opal beads are valuable stones containing the fiery flare of the Garnet, the dazzling purple of the Amethyst, and the green of the Emerald - all shining together in an incredible union and elegant pleasure. It is a stone of hope, innocence and purity as it has strong implications with happiness, faithfulness, loyalty and confidence. It is also the birthstone of those born in October and can be a theme gift for 14th and 18th wedding anniversaries as well.
Opal is very useful for those with depression and stress, as one of its qualities is that it encourages people to stop grieving in order to better direct one’s thoughts and directions. It also acts as a cure for restless thoughts and racing minds that repeat the past or anticipate the future. Opals also help in centring the mind and are stones for happy dream, helping people with recurring nightmares with no apparent reason.
There are various different types of Opals - Precious Opal, Common Opal, Boulder Opal, Crystal Opal, Ethiopian Opal etc.
Ethiopian Opal Beads are hydrophane Opals that form in nodules within volcanic ash, usually displaying brilliant flashes of colour. These sparkling flashes of colour are said to spark creativity and boost people’s will to live and enjoy their earthly existence. They generally carry a positive dragon energy.
They are extremely stable despite their porosity, and wonderful in utilizing water energy and quiet strength. These stones carry a soul holograph and lend access to the past, present and future, stimulating all of one’s metaphysical gifts, hence are beneficial for people wanting an aid to cope with depression and stress.
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